Welcome to Indiana County KTC
A Tibetan Meditation Center | | |
SCHEDULE at a Glance: Saturdays are now hybrid - in person & via Zoom* 10:45 am Meditation instruction
11:00 am Meditations including
- Shamatha (Quiet sitting/walking meditation
- Short Medicine Buddha Meditation
11:30 am Book or movie discussion
Last Saturday of the Month at 10:00 am Chenrezig/Amitaba Meditation Practice is held.
*To join via zoom use the Contact page to send a request for the Zoom link prior to Saturday meditations.
LOCATION: 655 Church Street, Suite 110, Indiana PA 15701
We are located in the old R&P building on Church Street. We are on the 1st floor. To find the room enter either from the back or the front door. From the front door on Church Street, turn left and walk until you see the elevator. When entering from the back door (from the back parking lot), turn right and you will see the elevator. Walk through the door just past the elevator. We are the last room on the left.
CONTACT US: For further information you can contact us using the Contact Us page.